Manufactured Item Tag Lookup¶
The Manufactured Item Tag Lookup displays all available Manufactured Item Tags in the system. To view all available Manufactured Item Tags in the system, navigate to the
tab and click on the
icon. The Manufactured Item Tag Lookup screen
will be displayed.

Users are then able to search for Manufactured Item Tags by using multiple filters such as the Serial #, Item, Status, Manufactured By, Packing Slip, Consumed Purchased Tags, Lot #, Location, Heat Number, Legacy Item, Manufactured On, Shipped On, Consumed Manufactured Tags, Workcenter, Job #, and Warehouse.
Depending on the one or more search filters you use to search for a Manufactured Item Tag by, the drop-down menus may appear different. The first possible drop-down menu will contain options for Contains, Exact Match, or Starts With. Simply select the one you wish to use and enter in a Value in the Value textbox.

The second possible drop-down menu will contain an option for In when users use the search filters Status and Warehouse.
If users use the Status search filter, they have the option to select one or more of the checkboxes incluidng All, Held, Finished, Picked Shipped, Consumed, Deleted, Audit, Normal, Rejected, Scrapped, and/or Unscanned.

If users use the Warehouse search filter, they have the option to select one or more of the checkboxes including All, and then all available Warehouses in the system.

The last possible drop-down that users may view while using the search filters to find a Manufactured Item Tag would be Equal To (=), Greater Than (>), Greater Than or Equal To (>=), Less Than and Greater Than (<>), Less Than (<), Less Than or Equal To (<=), or Range. Next, users will be able to select either a Date or enter in a Value.

Once the appropriate search filters are completed, click on the button and the system will populate the Manufactured Item Tags

Viewing a Manufactured Item Tag¶
To view a Manufactured Item Tag in the system, navigate to the tab and click on the
icon. The Manufactured Item Tag Lookup screen
will be displayed.

Use one or more of the search filters and click on the button to populate the appropriate Manufactured Item Tags.

Locate the Manufactured Item Tag you wish to view and double-click on the appropriate row. The Manufactured Item Tag detail screen will be displayed.

Changing a Manufactured Item Tag Status¶
Users have the ability to change the Status of a Manufactured Item Tag. To do so, navigate to the tab and click on the
icon. The Manufactured Item Tag Lookup screen
will be displayed.

Use one or more of the search filters and click on the button to populate the appropriate Manufactured Item Tags.

Locate the Manufactured Item Tag you wish to change the Status for and double-click on the appropriate row. The Manufactured Item Tag detail screen will be displayed.

Click on the button. The Change Status window will appear.

The Serial Number and Current Status will be displayed but users must select a New Status, Reason, and Disposition using the available drop-down menus. Then, click on the
The Tag Status will automatically update.
Deleting a Manufactured Item Tag¶
Users have the ability to delete a Manufactured Item Tag. To do so, navigate to the tab and click on the
icon. The Manufactured Item Tag Lookup screen
will be displayed.

Use one or more of the search filters and click on the button to populate the appropriate Manufactured Item Tags.

Locate the Manufactured Item Tag you wish to delete and double-click on the appropriate row. The Manufactured Item Tag detail screen will be displayed.

Click on the button. The Inventory Adjustment window will appear.

Users must select a Reason and enter a Reference. Then, click on the button.
The Tag Status will automatically change to Deleted.
Re-activating a Manufactured Item Tag¶
To re-activate a Manufactured Item Tag, navigate to the tab and click on the
icon. The Manufactured Item Tag Lookup screen
will be displayed.

Use one or more of the search filters and click on the button to populate the appropriate Manufactured Item Tags.

Locate the Manufactured Item Tag you wish to delete and double-click on the appropriate row. The Manufactured Item Tag detail screen will be displayed.

Click on the button. The Inventory Adjustment window will appear.

Users must select a Reason and enter a Reference. Then, click on the button.
The Tag Status will automatically default back to the orignal Status before it was deleted.
Modifying a Manufactured Item Tag¶
Users have the ability to modify a Manufactured Item Tag in the system. To do so, navigate to the tab and click on the
icon. The Manufactured Item Tag Lookup screen
will be displayed.

Use one or more of the search filters and click on the button to populate the appropriate Manufactured Item Tags.

Locate the Manufactured Item Tag you wish to modify and double-click on the appropriate row. The Manufactured Item Tag detail screen will be displayed.

Click on the button. The Modify S/N window will appear.

Users must enter in a Quantity and select a Container. Then, click on the button.
The Container Qty. and Container will automatically update on the Manufactured Item Tag.
Printing a Label for a Manufactured Item Tag¶
Users have the ability to print a label for a Manufactured Item Tag in the system. To do so, navigate to the tab and click on the
icon. The Manufactured Item Tag Lookup screen
will be displayed.

Use one or more of the search filters and click on the button to populate the appropriate Manufactured Item Tags.

Locate the Manufactured Item Tag you wish to print a label for and double-click on the appropriate row. The Manufactured Item Tag detail screen will be displayed.

Select a label using the available drop-down menu next to the button.

Next, click on the button.
The Print window will appear where users can select the appropriate printer and print settings. Then, click on the button.

The selected Manufactured Item Tag label will be printed.
Moving a Manufactured Item Tag¶
Users have the ability to move a Manufactured Item Tag in the system. To do so, navigate to the tab and click on the
icon. The Manufactured Item Tag Lookup screen
will be displayed.

Use one or more of the search filters and click on the button to populate the appropriate Manufactured Item Tags.

Locate the Manufactured Item Tag you wish to move and double-click on the appropriate row. The Manufactured Item Tag detail screen will be displayed.

Click on the button. The Move Tag window will appear.

Users can select a Warehouse and Location. Then, click on the button.
Users must than click on the button in order to view the updated Location.
Consumed Tags Tab¶
To view Consumed Tags on a Manufactured Item Tag, navigate to the tab and click on the
icon. The Manufactured Item Tag Lookup screen
will be displayed.

Use one or more of the search filters and click on the button to populate the appropriate Manufactured Item Tags.

Locate the Manufactured Item Tag you wish to view Consumed Tags for and double-click on the appropriate row. The Manufactured Item Tag detail screen will be displayed.

Make sure to select the tab.
Users will be able to view all available Consumed Tags for the Manufactured Item Tag.

Users can also expand a Consumed Tag row by clicking on the plus sign located to the left of the row, if it is available, as many times as needed. This will show the details of the Manufactured Item Tag throughout its Operation process.

Opening a Purchased Item Tag from the Consumed Tags Tab¶
If there is a Purchased Item Tag under the Consumed Tags tab on a Manufactured Item Tag, users have the ability to open the Purchased Item Tag detail screen.
To open a Purchased Item Tag detail screen from a Manufactured Item Tag, navigate to the tab and click on the
icon. The Manufactured Item Tag Lookup screen
will be displayed.

Use one or more of the search filters and click on the button to populate the appropriate Manufactured Item Tags.

Locate the Manufactured Item Tag you wish to open a Purchased Item Tag from and double-click on the appropriate row. The Manufactured Item Tag detail screen will be displayed.

Make sure to select the tab.
Next, locate and double-click on the row of the appropriate Purchased Item Tag you wish to open.
The type of the Serial # under the tab will be displayed under the Type column. This is where users can identify that the selected Serial # is in fact, a Purchased Item Tag.

Once you have double-clicked on the appropriate row, the Purchased Item Tag detail screen will be displayed.

For more information on Purchased Item Tags, please see Quality Assurance > Purchased Item Tag Lookup.
Opening a Manufactured Item Tag from the Consumed Tags Tab¶
If there is a Manufactured Item Tag under the Consumed Tags tab on a Manufactured Item Tag, users have the ability to open the Manufactured Item Tag detail screen.
To open a Manufactured Item Tag detail screen from a Manufactured Item Tag, navigate to the tab and click on the
icon. The Manufactured Item Tag Lookup screen
will be displayed.

Use one or more of the search filters and click on the button to populate the appropriate Manufactured Item Tags.

Locate the Manufactured Item Tag you wish to open a Manufactured Item Tag from and double-click on the appropriate row. The Manufactured Item Tag detail screen will be displayed.

Make sure to select the tab.
Next, locate and double-click on the row of the appropriate Manufactured Item Tag you wish to open.
The type of the Serial # under the tab will be displayed under the Type column. This is where users can identify that the selected Serial # is in fact, a Manufactured Item Tag.

Once you have double-clicked on the appropriate row, the Manufactured Item Tag detail screen will be displayed.

For more information on Purchased Item Tags, please see Quality Assurance > Manufactured Item Tag Lookup.
Consumer Tags Tab¶
To view Consumer Tags on a Manufactured Item Tag, navigate to the tab and click on the
icon. The Manufactured Item Tag Lookup screen
will be displayed.

Use one or more of the search filters and click on the button to populate the appropriate Manufactured Item Tags.

Locate the Manufactured Item Tag you wish to view Consumer Tags for and double-click on the appropriate row. The Manufactured Item Tag detail screen will be displayed.

Make sure to select the tab.
All of the Consumer Tags attached to the selected Manufactured Item Tag will be displayed.

Scan Log Tab¶
To view the Scan Logs of a Manufactured Item Tag, navigate to the tab and click on the
icon. The Manufactured Item Tag Lookup screen
will be displayed.

Use one or more of the search filters and click on the button to populate the appropriate Manufactured Item Tags.

Locate the Manufactured Item Tag you wish to view the Scan Logs for and double-click on the appropriate row. The Manufactured Item Tag detail screen will be displayed.

Make sure to select the tab.
Everytime the selected Manufactured Item Tag has been scanned, it will be displayed here.

Users will be able to view the Scanned On date, Scanned By, Type, and Reference for each Scan Log.
Transactions Tab¶
To view Transactions on a Manufactured Item Tag, navigate to the tab and click on the
icon. The Manufactured Item Tag Lookup screen
will be displayed.

Use one or more of the search filters and click on the button to populate the appropriate Manufactured Item Tags.

Locate the Manufactured Item Tag you wish to view Transactions for and double-click on the appropriate row. The Manufactured Item Tag detail screen will be displayed.

Make sure to select the tab.
All of the available Transactions for the selected Manufactured Item Tag will be displayed.

Users will be able to view the Trx. Type, Trx. Quantity, Held Trx. Quantity, Tag Quantity, Created On date, Created By, Reference, Reason, and Job #.
Heat Tab¶
To view Heats on a Manufactured Item Tag, navigate to the tab and click on the
icon. The Manufactured Item Tag Lookup screen
will be displayed.

Use one or more of the search filters and click on the button to populate the appropriate Manufactured Item Tags.

Locate the Manufactured Item Tag you wish to view Heats for and double-click on the appropriate row. The Manufactured Item Tag detail screen will be displayed.

Make sure to select the tab.
All of the Heats for the selected Manufactured Item Tag will be displayed. Users will be able to view the Item, Vendor, Heat No., Material Spec., and Status.

Users also have the ability to open a Heat by simply double-clicking on the appropriate row. The Heat detail screen will be displayed.

To view more detailed information regarding heats, please see Quality Assurance > Active Heats.
Dock Audits Tab¶
To view Dock Audits for a Manufactured Item Tag, navigate to the tab and click on the
icon. The Manufactured Item Tag Lookup screen
will be displayed.

Use one or more of the search filters and click on the button to populate the appropriate Manufactured Item Tags.

Locate the Manufactured Item Tag you wish to view Dock Audits for and double-click on the appropriate row. The Manufactured Item Tag detail screen will be displayed.

Make sure to select the tab.
All of the Dock Audits that have be performed for the selected Manufactured Item Tag will be displayed. Users will be able to view details such as the Assigned to Dock Audit On date, Assigned By, Completed On date, Completed By, Elapsed Time, Passed, Reason, Disposition, Notes, and Reject Number.