Fiscal Year Budget

The Fiscal Year Budget section is used to set a budget for a G/L Account for a specific Fiscal Year.

Applying a Budget to a G/L Account

To apply a Budget to a G/L Account, navigate to images/fiscalyearbudgets/generalledger-1.jpg tab, and select the images/fiscalyearbudgets/fiscalyearbudget-2.jpg icon. This will open the Fiscal Year Budget screen.


Start by selecting the Fiscal Year that you would like to apply a Budget towards from the drop-down menu, and then select the G/L Account to which you would like to apply the Budget towards. Once you have selected an Account, notice how the system populates a table of each Fiscal Period.


Next, enter in a Budget for the Fiscal Year, images/fiscalyearbudgets/budgetamount-5.jpg and click on the images/fiscalyearbudgets/apply-6.jpg button.

A selection window will pop-up for you to select how you wish to allocate your Budget. The system allows you to allocate the budget amount evenly, or, based on the period length. For example, if there are more days in a period, the budget amount allocated, will be more.


Select the one of your choice and click on the images/fiscalyearbudgets/okbutton-8.jpg button.

Notice the Amount column is now in the table defined based on your selection.


Make sure to save your changes before exiting the screen.