
The Currencies section is where you can add new Currencies, as well as modify existing Currencies by updating Current Exchange Rates.

To open Currencies, navigate to the images/currencies/generalledger-1.jpg tab, and select the images/currencies/currencies-2.jpg icon.

This will open the Currencies screen.


System Currency

Users are able to set the system currency. This will be the default currency, unless otherwise specified.


Adding a New Currency

To add a Currency to the system, navigate to the images/currencies/generalledger-1.jpg tab, and select the images/currencies/currencies-2.jpg icon. This will bring up the Currencies screen.


Select the images/currencies/addnewcurrency-5.jpg button at the bottom of the screen. This will add a new row and enable you to fill out the appropriate information such as the Abbreviation, Full Name of Currency, and Exchange Rate.


Make sure to save your changes before exiting the screen.

Modifying an Exchange Rate

To modify an Exchange Rate, navigate to the images/currencies/generalledger-1.jpg tab, and select the images/currencies/currencies-2.jpg icon.

Click on the light grey box beside the current Exchange Rate. This will bring up the Exchange Rate window.


Within this screen, users are able to set the Exchange Rate, when it is Effective From, as well as when it is Effective To.

Click Ok when you are finished and make sure to save your changes.

Exchange History

Users are able to review any changes to the Exchange Rate by selecting the + sign beside the Currency Abbreviation tab.
