Functionality is available to simplify the process of controlling MRO Item inventory. You can enter an estimated usage amount against an MRO Item that has been assigned to an Equipment Item, along with min and max inventory values. Then, Purchase Orders for MRO Items can be automatically generated from the Equipment MRO Items screens.
For a Purchased Item to show on the MRO Items screen, it must either be flagged as an MRO Item on the Purchased Item screen, or it must be assigned to an equipment item.

If the item is flagged as an MRO Item, it will display on both the tooling and equipment MRO Items screens. If it is linked to either a tooling or equipment item, it will show on the respective MRO Items screen only.
You can enter the estimated usage for an MRO item when it is linked to a tooling or equipment item:

This estimated usage is used when generating purchase orders for MRO Items on the MRO Items screen.

You can use the Order MRO Items... menu option to generate purchase orders based on current inventory and estimated usage:

The system will use default vendor information that can be set on the Purchased Item-> Vendor Pricing tab. Only orders that are needed to be placed today based on the lead time will be generated. For instance, if an item has a vendor lead time of 5 days, and the estimated usage is 1 per day, a purchase order for 5 units will be generated for today since the order must be placed today.
You can select from an existing purchase order to add to an existing purchase order and you can also change the vendor if a new purchase order is to be created.