Cash Receipts

Cash Receipts are found by navigating to the images/cashreceipts/artab-1.jpg tab and clicking on the images/cashreceipts/cashreceiptsicon-2.jpg icon. This will open up the Cash Receipt screen.


Entering in a Cash Receipt

To enter in a Cash Receipt, navigate to the images/cashreceipts/artab-1.jpg tab and click on the images/cashreceipts/cashreceiptsicon-2.jpg icon.

This will open the Cash Receipt screen.


Fill in the required text boxes such as selecting a Customer using the drop-down menu, or entering in their name. They system will then automatically populate some of the remaining text boxes based on the Customer information, including Currency, Deposit Account, and Discount Account.

Posting Date and Cheque Date will default to the present date unless modified. Fill out the remaining information including Cheque No. and Amount.

You will also notice that once you select a Customer, any open Invoices for that particular Customer will be found in the lower section of the screen.

To pay one or multiple Invoices, enter in an amount images/cashreceipts/cashreceiptamount-4.jpg, and then select the Invoice that you wish to apply that amount to under the Selected column. This function allows you to enter a Cash Receipt in for multiple Invoices.

Make sure you save your changes before exiting the screen.


The Discount G/L Account is established in the Market Types section in the Customers module.

Overpayment of an Invoice

If after all of the Invoices have been paid and there is a remaining balance un-applied, then the following screen will appear:


You can see the total amount remaining to allocate at the top of the screen.In this case, you have two options. You can enter the balance On Account for future application, or distribute the funds to other G/L Accounts.

Click on the images/cashreceipts/okbutton-6.jpg button when you have finished allocating the funds.

Consuming On-Account

Any amounts in a Customer’s On Account may be consumed by itself or in addition to a Customer’s Cheque.

To use some or all of the funds in On-Account, click the check box labeled Use On-Account and enter the amount into the entry box on the right. This amount will be added to any entered Cheque amount and is displayed beside Remaining in the title bar above the Invoice details.



When consuming On-Account balances, users are still required to enter a Cheque Number that is unique (Cheque Numbers from a Customer can never be the same)